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What’s Happening

Watt Meter
Watt Meter

02/07/19 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Here we’re testing out how much energy the fan uses

Building Operations Tour
Building Operations Tour

12/21/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Cool Stuff!
Cool Stuff!

12/21/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Checking out the water pumps
Checking out the water pumps

12/21/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Recycling with Waste Management
Recycling with Waste Management

12/07/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Don’t Forget!
Don’t Forget!

11/16/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Power Patrol reminding you to Turn It Off and Unplug!!

11/8/18 Power Patrol
11/8/18 Power Patrol

11/14/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

We’re ready to save energy!

05/22/18 Carson High School



05/22/18 Carson High School

Our tomatoes are growing
Our tomatoes are growing

04/13/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

The Green Team met today to translplant our tomatoes into larger containers so their roots grow bigger and stronger. Still a little too cold to put them outside yet.
